
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Irony is so Ironical

The state court judge in the Schiavio case requires constant police protection: The standard-bearers of the "culture of life" keep threatening to kill him

Nevada Appeal
...the six-month-old Texas boy was taken off life support, breathed his last few breaths, and died in his mother's arms... the mother, Wanda Hudson, did not want her son taken off life support. She fought to have his life extended, and was devastated that the hospital ended Sun's life. Wanda Hudson's problem is that... she had to deal with a Texas law that allows the withdrawal of life support from terminally ill patients, even against the wishes of the family, if they don't have money to pay for the care. This law was created with the signature of then-Gov. George W. Bush, who made an emergency trip back to Washington this weekend to sign a bill to help restore life support to Schiavo.

Republican Party Platform on Government Reform
We must acknowledge that the federal government’s role should be to set expectations in policies, then get out of the way and let the states implement and operate those policies as they best know how.