The New Republic prints a pep talk for American Liberals. Superb. Made me want to run out and burn my bra. Or something.
Here's the money quote:
But the many millions of Americans who believe that the tax code should be more fair; and that one of the ends of government is to bother itself about its neediest and least fortunate citizens; and that the morality of the market is not all the morality that a society requires; and that the Bible is not the basis of a democratic political order, or of our political order; and that robust stem-cell research, and science more generally, is a primary social good; and that gay marriage is a question of equality and not the beginning of the end of civilization; and that American troops must not be sent to war ignorantly or dogmatically, or without the means to win; and that the good reputation of the United States in the world is one of its most powerful historical instruments--the many millions of Americans who believe these things are not wrong. They are merely not a majority. But they are a very large minority.I defy Burry Katz or his accessory, Issac Kaplan, or for that matter any other self-proclaimed Jewish Conservative to find fault with this.
I take comfort from the rest of the article. It was a call to arms, an argument that our side is the side of light, goodness, holiness, and, even, perhaps, potato kugel.
ReplyDeleteI liked the list, though. It neatly sums up why we matter, and why we must win.