Thursday, January 13, 2005

Homosexuality was very queer...

Lord, thank you for creating the state of Alabama. Whenever, I am feeling sad, I look to the South and feelings of mirth overtake me.

For your consideration, Mac Holcomb, sherrif of Marshal County, Alabama, who writes:

I am proud to be... born in Alabama. The state that has its motto "We dare defend our rights". I was raised in era, the 1940's as a child and the 1950's as a teenager, which I remember with great affection.

It's the lynching of black boys I remember with the most affection. Or maybe its the way we dared to "defend our rights" by not letting any brown people have any. I fergit.

During this era, love of God, family, and country abounded. Men were men and women were women and there was no mistaking which was which. Both were proud of their individual roles. Homosexuality was very queer and a despicable act… an abomination.

An abomination... like eating shrimp? Or having dishonest scales? I'm confused sherrif. How do you decide which abominations to get excited about?

Anywho... The rest of his page is just as funny. Or stupid. Take your pick.